Friday, August 29, 2008

2 x 2 = -3

My data analysis came to a grinding halt last week when I discovered a bug in the latest version of Origin. Appartenly, the program doesn't know that when you multiply two positive numbers together that you should get a positive result. I am guessing that this is a two's complement problem. The first column of data was general numbers (i.e. 0.1234) and the second column was in scientific notation (i.e. 5.67e-8). The program must handle these two data types differently. Regardless, the answer is wrong and I need to figure out a work around. I am bummed about this because I want to finish this analysis for the paper that I am working on.

In general, Origin 8.0 is relatively buggy compared to Origin 7.5. The network license manager (software) is a lot crabbier too.

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