Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 14, 2008
LaTex my @ss
BTW - Winedt you can eat it.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Here are some pictures of my greenhouse in various stages of construction. I laid out the design in Google SketchUp before starting. SketchUp is not as full featured as AutoCAD or SolidWorks but it was sufficient for this project. I will post the file after I fix up a few details. It is raining today so construction is on hold. :(
Man tools
I have started building my new greenhouse! My intention was to use the tools that I had available at the time: a cordless drill, miter box, and hammer. Unfortunately, the second battery for my 15 year old Craftsman drill finally died and it was not obvious were I could find a replacement. The two web sites that I found selling replacements looked sketchy to say the least. So, I bit the bullet and bought some new tools.
Of course, when I brought my new purchase into the apartment I received the prerequisite harassing. Many jokes ensued about "man tools" but I had to laugh when I opened the box and the teenager stopped in mid-jibe and said. "Oo, shiny!" Everybody likes new stuff and black and yellow is a pretty cool color scheme.
I planned to only buy a new drill but for some extra cash I picked up a cordless circular saw and reciprocating saw as well. (The light that came with the set seems lame but I will go with it for now.) Having the circular saw has been nice as I started with only a hand saw and that was a bit of a pain. I can tell that the reciprocating saw has a taste for blood (and bone) and I am very careful when I use it. I am a big fan of engineered safety barriers and the reciprocating saw leaves me a little uneasy. The 18V tools seem to have plenty of power. Neither of the saws has felt underpowered and the drill arguably has too much torque.
Safety First! Go Bears!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Straw Man
We talked back and forth about what letters we should write to our congresspeople and my letter was just over 2000 characters long. I think that the message she chose to send after careful consideration was exponentially more effective and succinct: If you vote for this bill I will not vote for you in the next election. It captured what I was trying to say in very powerful way.
I have long thought that she is smarter than I am and this is just another example of why. You can see why I love this woman.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Garbage in garbage out
I am irritated that the incompetence of these people is swept under the rug by blaming the stereotype of a scientist in a backroom for the failings in the boardroom. No one questions this notion that scientists are inherently bad people. It feeds into a general intellectual phobia in this country where mental achievement is dismissed and mocked while monetary achievement is valued even if it is accompanied by ignorance and a lack of intellectual curiosity. I believe that this entire problem is due to greed and lack of discipline. Come on people this isn't rocket science.
National Economy: What happened to high risk - high reward?
In my letter, I encouraged all parties to take a measured approach that draws from the wealth of expertise and intelligence that we have in this country. While a timely solution may be required, I don't think that rushing this is a good idea. This is a time to call on the country's best and brightest to develop a reasoned and measured plan. These people know how to work under pressure and compromise.
Also, I am not impressed with any $700 billion plan that can be written on three pages of paper. Grant proposals for $3ook/year are often detailed 30-50 page documents with hundreds of references justifying the proposed work. The Large Hadron Collider is estimated to cost around $3 billion and I am sure that proposal came in several volumes.
Paul Krugman (economist, Princeton faculty, columnist) has had some interesting analysis on this topic.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A quick update
I am concerned about the current financial crisis and I can't say that I am thrilled about the proposal that was put forward by the administration. I will have more to say on this later.
Stay tuned for pics of my latest project. (The Ark)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I think we're gonna need a bigger boat
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Fe Eral Vernment
My mistake was responding without fully appreciating the depth of the debate. (and vitriol!) I had never considered this issue before and my opinion was formed in the twenty seconds that it took me to read the email. I feel that my opinion came from a sense of fairness and mutual respect. However, this debate has some established arguments and I apparently stepped too close to the opposing side.
I sent my response and was floored when my brother was the one that responded to me. It appears that he is well versed in one side of this argument and we ended up going back and forth several times via email. The arguments that I framed were not the greatest but at this point I knew that this was a debate that would not be won by either of us. So, instead I decided that it would be more fun to pick at his arguements one by one just to get a rise out of him.
I dislike these "issues" that are a distraction from the real problems that we face as a nation. I do believe that we have more in common than not and that civil discourse is possible.
Next time I will just delete the email.
Friday, August 29, 2008
2 x 2 = -3
In general, Origin 8.0 is relatively buggy compared to Origin 7.5. The network license manager (software) is a lot crabbier too.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Please bear with me as I settle into this new routine.
All the Best,